Sustainable Living

Why Anubhutee

Four attributes for becoming a Responsible Human Being

Decision Making & Thinking Capability

In today’s world where choices are unlimited, selecting the most appropriate out of all possible alternatives is very crucial. Good decision-making skills are required for studying and analyzing each of the options. It is also important to full responsibility of your decisions .

Today almost every task is being automated; hence a good imagination remains the only differentiator for humans from machines. Albert Einstein famously said Imagination is more important than knowledge. For human progress creative and innovative minds are needed.

The learning methods used in Anubhutee ensure learners are presented with opportunities to think creatively and innovate. Instead of being just passive consumers of information, learners apply their knowledge and are encouraged to think differently .

Futuristic learning

In the 21st century where technology is expanding very fast and information is available at finger-tips ; developing ourselves for unknown future is a challenging task. It is very important to equip ourselves with skills and capabilities required to face challenges in the future. In this digital era where AI and Machine learning are entering almost every aspect of life, it is equally important to understand how and where to use human intelligence effectively. Adapting to the changes taking place in the surroundings and maintaining mental and emotional stability is a fundamental capability that one needs to develop. Hence todays education needs to give a confidence to the children by which they can stand up for themselves in any situation.

Human Values

As a human being we must understand why do we exist on the planet and what is our role here. As the most developed creatures on this planet, we should understand our responsibility towards it, and education can play a major role in understanding this. Connecting with our natural surrounding, understanding and respecting existence of every creature, understanding the role of five elements in our being will help us clarify our role. Today’s humanity has a major role to play in order to maintain and hand-over this planet in good condition to the next generation